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It may surprise you how much your company is spending on printing. Materials that printers use aren't cheap, and without proper oversight over your company's printing situation, it's easy for there to be a lot of waste. Having multiple printers on your network make it that much more difficult to keep track of your organization's printing costs.

Cortico Technology's print server solution allows your company all the network administration capabilities you are looking for in a company-wide print server. It provides a central hub where administrators can manage which users have access to which printing options. User print configurations are fully customizable and provides administrators control over user-access to the networks printers. These permissions can be adjusted per user to meet the user's needs on the network.

Another way strong print management can save you money and streamline your printing operation is by effectively eliminating your older and inefficient printers. If your current printing situation is made up of random printers installed on your network, then it may be the case that some of them are draining your office supply budget. This is because some printers cost a lot more to maintain than others. With print management from Cortico Technology, we can identify the inefficient printers and recommend an economical solution.

Improve Security with Your Printer

Keep users accountable for their printing habits.

A business may employ strong network security solutions to keep hackers from accessing their sensitive information, but because the printer is often overlooked as an access point, targeting printers on a network is a favorite tactic used by hackers. A print server from Cortico Technology will provide your business with an extra level of security that will close that avenue of access.

Another way that proper print management can increase company security is by keeping users accountable for what they print. A print server can tell you what files are printed from what user, and be used as a back door to circumvent established network security measures.

Print Smart and Be Environmentally Conscious

Managing your printers is a great way to go green by using less paper and electricity.

Despite the increased prevalence of digital communication within the modern office, paper consumption still increases by nearly 20% every year. Your average employee uses one sheet of paper every twelve minutes! A print server solution can help control this waste by enforcing printing limitations for every network user which presents increased efficiency.

Every business is looking to do their part to cut down on waste and establish a greener workplace. An additional benefit of incorporating our print server solution is that it can help your company reduce their carbon footprint by saving electricity and paper.

For more information about Cortico Technology's print server solution, or any of our other comprehensive IT services, please call us at (832)-674-1800 and one of our experienced technicians will assist you.

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